Saturday, January 5, 2008
There are some lucky bastards yet!
Sometimes there is so much bad news aloof that one is amazed to see a fella get a break of luck. Like Voltaire wrote in Candide, everyone thinks they've got the worst lot in life. I feel that I've escaped the worst, and I wish I could say everyone would be able to feel like that, but it simply isn't true. Some people get breaks, others get something horrible. To contrast, one man fell 500 feet to the ground and survived. Unfortunately his brother did not make it, falling as the same time, but I mean his family suffered only half the losses it rightfully could've. Yet I'm also going to recommend a book I'm still in the process of reading, I'm over half way though. It's gripping enough that I believe I should tell people about it as soon as I can. The book is entitled What Is the What and it covers the fictionalized, but reality-based life of a Sudanese refugee. The author, Dave Eggers, using the outline of a man named Valentino Achak Deng's life to create a story to tell of the hardships and complexities of being a child unlucky enough to have been born in a time and place of warfare. It really makes anyone that has half a heart think about how much they've gotten just have birth. Even though events in this book are fictional is nature, they are things that very well could have happened to people, and many times did, just not in the exact order or fashion that Eggers put in. It is like a Candide for children of the Sudan, and compelling and encompassing tale that explains their point of view.
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Fuck Sudan! Its all about Kenya my man.
It has Kenya too, you twat
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